Working in partnership with Torus, the listed developer will deliver 295 properties on a 19.5-acre chunk of Harworth’s Moss Nook development.
Watkin Jones expects the 295-home transaction to generate £48m in revenue.
A total of 185 of the 295 two-, three-, and four-bed homes will be managed by Torus and will be available on affordable tenures.
The other 110 properties will be rented out at market rates, owned by Watkin Jones.
Alex Pease, chief executive of Watkin Jones, said: “Having supported Harworth Group in securing reserved matters planning permission in April 2024, we are delighted to continue our involvement with them and to have secured our first development partnership with Torus to deliver 295 homes, helping to address the growing demand for high-quality housing in the North West.
“By leveraging our leading expertise in the development and construction of residential real estate, this collaboration highlights our ability to transact in what continues to be a challenging market environment, whilst implementing our strategy of diversifying our sources of income.”
Watkin Jones acquires £48m St Helens homes – Place North West